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Trauma is an internal response to an event or circumstance that overwhelms our nervous system and shatters our sense of safety.

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Healing is a process of creating safety for ourselves, prioritizing our wellness and thriving, and building resilience as we navigate trauma one step at a time.

Click the image above for a special message of support from domestic violence survivors who have found safety, healing and peace.

Click the image above for a special message of support from domestic violence survivors who have found safety, healing and peace.


healing from trauma

Healing matters because you matter. Your safety, wellness and THRIVING matter.

Healing is also a way to build resilience and strength exactly where we are right now. It helps us respond safely and effectively to challenges that come our way.

Healing is…

  • The powerful, deep, and sacred work of returning to ourselves.

  • A lifelong journey that includes small steps forward, victories, and milestones along the way.

  • A nonlinear process that doesn’t move in a straight path or follow a set timeline.

  • A collection of resources, tools, and strategies designed to meet you exactly where you are.

  • Possible. There is hope.

  • What YOU want it to be — you get to decide what healing looks like for you.

  • For everyone! We all need and deserve healing.

You deserve care, support and healing — no matter what you’ve gone through.

Getting support for the healing journey

There are all sorts of ways to heal and care for yourself, with numerous options and resources available through the Family Peace Center whenever you’re ready.

For more information or to get connected to any of the services listed below, please call our 24/7 hotline at (414) 933-2722.  


Working with a therapist can be a powerful way to heal trauma, deepen resilience, and process your experience. We have therapy services available at the Family Peace Center for adults and children who have experienced violence, abuse, and trauma.

Support Group

We can do a lot of healing individually, but we can also heal in community with others. In support group settings, survivors gather to share their experiences, support each other, and heal together.

Wellness Services

Trauma lives in our bodies (whether or not we experienced any physical injury), so healing modalities like massage, acupuncture, reiki, yoga, meditation, and movement can help heal our bodies and restore our energy. We offer many of these services at the Family Peace Center. 

Advocacy support

Having someone in your corner to support you on this journey can make a big difference. At the Family Peace Center, we have Advocates who can help you make a plan to stay safe, connect you with services, go with you to court, talk through options, help you set and reach your goals, and support you along the way.


Tips for the healing journey

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