Shine Your Light sept. 9

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You can Shine Your Light for domestic violence survivors who need to know they’re not alone, it’s not their fault and that help is available.

On Sept. 9, 2021, we’re asking everyone to Shine Your Light for survivors by donating to support lifesaving domestic violence prevention and intervention services in our community.

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Survivors are isolated, afraid and holding out that help is available. Shine Your Light on Sept. 9, 2021, to be a beacon of hope. 

That means your gift today, when combined with matching funds, can have double the impact to aid Sojourner’s domestic violence prevention and intervention services.

Your support saves lives:

  • Safety planning and risk assessments

  • Emergency shelter

  • Advocacy and restraining order assistance

  • Services to help survivors heal from trauma and abuse

  • Programs for kids that break the cycle of generational violence

Sojourner’s services are free, gender-inclusive, confidential and available in English, Spanish, Russian and Hmong.

Join us Thursday, Sept. 9, 2021, for an interactive virtual event to shine a light for domestic violence survivors. Host a Ray of Light watch party or tune in on your own. Registration is required.


Fiona is one of more than 10,000 domestic violence survivors Sojourner served last year. Your donation shines a light during the uncertain and unstable times. Thank you!

Survivor Spotlight: Fiona’s story

For years, Fiona was a prisoner in her own home. Her husband, Dan, kept her locked in their house, monitored Fiona’s every move and controlled her phone and social media. Occasionally, he let her leave for groceries, but he only allowed her a tiny sliver of time to complete the errand.  

Dan’s behavior was erratic and unpredictable – and had gotten worse after he lost his job due to the pandemic. Fiona lived in a state of high alert, terrified of anything that might set off another attack. 

The years of physical, emotional and verbal abuse were too much to bear and Fiona gathered the strength to call 911. The officer referred Fiona to Sojourner.

Finally, a light in the darkness.

Fiona connected with a Sojourner Advocate right away. Dan was in jail, but she feared his friends would retaliate. Her Advocate helped her develop a safety plan, file a restraining order. Fiona wanted a divorce, but was intimidated by the process. Her Advocate connected her with free legal help.

She and her Advocate worked with the Assistant District Attorney and Fiona testified against Dan in court. She read a heartfelt letter she’d written, detailing the abuse and addressing Dan:

“I am enough and I deserve love and respect.”

Dan was sentenced to several years in jail for hurting Fiona and for additional other charges. Fiona felt liberated and ready to start a new life.

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It can take years to heal from trauma.

Fiona found she was still afraid to stay out late and got anxious if she was out past 8 p.m. – the curfew Dan made her follow for years. Her Advocate invited her to engage in Sojourner’s healing services for help dealing with the day-to-day long-term effects of trauma. She attended a Sojourner’s support group, began seeing a therapist and started journaling to work through her fears, low self-esteem and abuse-related PTSD.

Fiona may face trauma-related challenges and setbacks for years to come. From crisis to safety to healing – Sojourner is here for survivors every step of their journey.

Names changed for safety and privacy.

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Caring people like you shine a light in the darkness and isolation that mark domestic violence. Thank you for investing in lifesaving services to ensure survivors always have a safe place to heal and rebuild.

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When caring people like you give (even a little bit) it adds up to make a huge impact. Thank you!


Thank you to our sponsors!

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As the largest nonprofit provider of domestic violence prevention and intervention services in Wisconsin, Sojourner has been helping survivors for nearly 50 years.

Our 53-bed shelter provides safe and stable crisis housing. On-site Advocates walk with survivors on their journey of healing and rebuilding.

We help survivors file police reports and restraining orders. We connect them with services and support, including legal, healthcare and social services provided by 14 community partners located under one roof at the Family Peace Center.

Sojourner is a place of refuge, respite, healing and hope.


Connect with SojournerMKE on social media.