Kids find healing and hope through music


The song is called “Unstoppable,” which aptly describes the kids who wrote it.

Several of our young clients recently completed a 5-week program designed to use music composition to heal from trauma and to build hope and resilience. The kids, ages 10-14, collaborated with staff from Sojourner’s Children’s Program and H2O Community Development Corporation to write and record a song about overcoming obstacles and meeting goals.

The kids participated in a special “Musical Inspirations” support group session to discuss a number of topics ranging from dreams and aspirations, to emotions and family. The children drew pictures and completed writing exercises to generate ideas and spark dialogue. Through this work, the kids identified common themes. With a little guidance, the kids turned the themes into a song, learning about music composition, songwriting, vocal recording and performance along the way.

“I loved seeing reluctance change to confidence and soft voices get louder and stronger each week,” said Sojourner Arts Program Coordinator Lindsey Schwenn. “One participant in particular was very overwhelmed at times anticipating his parts. He ended up doing such a great job! It was awesome seeing the kids interact and connect during the process.”

H20 Community Development Corporation partners with Sojourner, area schools and other arts organizations in Milwaukee to teach kids to write, perform and record their own original music. Learn more about H2O here. Sojourner and H20 are both recipients of the Milwaukee Public Schools Arts and Humanities Grant.
