Sojourner to begin screening for traumatic brain injuries

Sojourner Advocates are now trained to identify domestic violence survivors with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and associated complications. Sojourner began screening for TBI in late February using a series of questions.

TBI Screening Questions:

  • Have you ever been hit in the head?

  • Were you ever seen in an emergency room, hospital, or by a doctor because of being hit in the head?

  • Did you ever lose consciousness or experience a period of being dazed and confused because of being hit in the head?

  • Have you ever been strangled or choked?

  • Do you experience any of these problems in your daily life since you were hit in the head?

    • Headaches

    • Dizziness

    • Anxiety

    • Depression

    • Difficulty concentrating

    • Difficulty remembering things

    • Difficulty reading or writing

    • Difficulty solving problems

    • Difficulty performing your job

    • Changes in relationships

    • Poor judgment (being fired from jobs, being arrested, being in fights)

Clients who screen positive for TBI will be referred to receive follow-up medical care.
