Survivor spotlight: Carole's story

Finding employment, independence and support amid COVID-19

One of Sojourner’s partners at the Family Peace Center, Goodwill Industries, works with domestic violence survivors to secure stable employment to help achieve or maintain independence. Goodwill works with employers to find opportunities for survivors and also provides survivors with resume assistance, job search support and interview coaching.

Goodwill Industries recently shared a touching story about a Sojourner client who found, then lost a job due to COVID-19. The story, as told by a Goodwill Workforce Connection Consultant, takes an unexpected, yet heart-warming twist:

Over the past few months, I have been working with Carole* to support her goal of securing employment. This goal was imperative for reuniting with her children that were under foster care placement. The pandemic complicated matters since Carole did not have a computer or internet access. She reached out to me, her Goodwill Workforce Connection Consultant, to assist with updating her resume and completing online job applications.

We were able to complete those critical tasks together through multiple remote sessions, which resulted in Carole getting hired at a local company. Unfortunately, like many companies across the U.S., Carole’s branch shut down due to COVID-19 and she was out of a job.

Healthy and with high hopes, Carole didn’t give up.

Once again, Goodwill connected her to an opportunity with a national big-box retailer. A store manager currently working for this retail company previously accessed services through Sojourner’s emergency shelter and remains passionate in supporting other domestic violence survivors.

Earlier this month, Carole started her new job with the retailer and she is looking forward to growing within the company on a career path just like the manager that hired her! Carole is extremely grateful.

“Getting this job gave me life and hope,” said Carole. I am so happy to let my children know that their mother has gotten a job and they will be coming home soon.”

So far this year, Goodwill Industries has helped 23 survivors find work making an average wage of $12.48 per hour and working an average of 37.6 hours a week. We are grateful for this important partnership that empowers survivors and promotes independence, confidence and financial stability.

*Name changed for privacy.