We stand with you

Recent events have shone a light on the racism and oppression that people of color continue to face in this country. Our hearts go out to our African American clients, partners and staff who have to move through this world in fear.

We must deal directly with the fact that racism and oppression is the ground from which brutality springs. Long-term, institutional racism and oppression is embedded into the very fabric of our lives. The health and well-being of many depend upon our ability to tell the truth and to find the courage to actively change the circumstances in which we live.

Oppression and racism is at the heart of our work to end family violence. As such, we are committed to helping end all types of violence. Our success in helping people transform their lives depends on deepening our understanding of racism and oppression into our work.

Life is precious. We all have the right to exist, to breathe, to run through neighborhoods, sit in our cars, sleep in our homes and go bird watching without fear of harm. The color of our skin should not determine our right to live and to live freely.

To people of color everywhere: We acknowledge your pain, frustration and exhaustion. Sojourner stands with you and is committed to doing its part to end racism and violence in our community.

You are not alone.

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