Survivor spotlight: Emma's story

Emma* was living in Iowa with her two sons and her husband. She experienced endless abuse at the hands of her husband.

Over their 22-year-marriage, she attempted to leave 8 times but always ended up back with her husband. Eventually, Emma and the kids fled to Milwaukee because she knew her husband would not look for her there.

Although she was away from her abuser, they had nowhere to go. She called Sojourner’s 24-hour hotline and was accepted into the emergency shelter. Once Emma and her kids got settled, she needed help getting established in her new city.

Emma was managing a chronic illness and mental health concerns and needed to find a new doctor. Her Sojourner Case Manager connected her with one of our on-site partners at the Family Peace Center. An Aurora Community Health Care Worker helped her obtain health insurance and find new doctors for herself and her children.

Emma’s kids needed help too. Sojourner’s staff connected the family with a Milwaukee Public Schools liaison to enroll the kids in school. Since MPS is currently conducting virtual class due to the pandemic, Sojourner’s Children’s Program Advocates helped the kids get set up and start virtual classes successfully.

Emma couldn’t wait to find a home of her own. Finding safe, affordable housing in a new town can be hard, so Emma asked the Sojourner staff to help her find a place to live.

Her Case Manager helped Emma get a spot on the Coordinated Entry housing priority list. After a few weeks, she was approved for Rapid Re-Housing, a temporary housing subsidy.

Within weeks, Emma and her kids moved out of Sojourner’s emergency shelter and into their new home. Today, the family lives independently and free from abuse.

*Name changed for privacy and safety purposes

If you need help, call Sojourner’s 24-hour hotline at (414) 933-2722 to speak with an Advocate. All calls are confidential.