The world needs love

Sojourner has been a pillar of peace in our community for nearly 50 years. And we can honestly say that survivors need help now more than ever.

Last year, we saw a record-breaking 28 domestic violence-related deaths in our community. Sadly, 2020 has proven even more dire. As of this writing, 50 people have lost their lives to domestic violence in 2020.

The trends we're seeing are heartbreaking: The violence is more vicious, unprovoked and egregious. Victims include whole families and very young children.

People often ask, "What can I do? How can I make a difference?"

The answer is simple. The antidote to violence is love.

Love is the answer. Love is what drives us to examine our relationships. Love moves us to reach out to those in pain. Love draws us toward the light and away from darkness.

So as we kick off 2021, we want to remind you what a difference you can make. Your love and support can help survivors find advocacy and justice, hope and healing, and lifesaving support.

Your love is the answer, the antidote, the cure.

From everyone at Sojourner, we wish you a happy, healthy, safe and peaceful New Year!
