Sojourner helps survivors secure scholarships, meet educational goals

Sojourner’s Hope & Healing team supports survivors as they work toward a variety of goals. This time of year, a popular goal clients have is to apply or reapply for school scholarships, with which our team gladly helps.

So far, our Advocates helped four clients secure $11,250 for this school year! And we’re expecting to get confirmation about additional funds to be awarded for the spring semester.

Our Advocates are knowledgeable about an array of scholarship opportunities, including the Women’s Independence Scholarship Program (WISP) available specifically for survivors of domestic violence. One client, Deja,* is a recipient of multiple WISP scholarships and clearly demonstrates the impact these scholarships can have on our clients’ lives.

Deja reached out to Sojourner in 2014 for help for herself and her child. After her safety and other basic needs were addressed, she worked with our Hope & Healing team to pursue several goals, including her education. With an Advocate’s help, Deja applied for and was awarded almost $10,000 in WISP scholarships as she completed her last three semesters of college and earned her undergraduate degree.

Deja told her Sojourner Advocate how proud she felt walking across the stage at graduation.

“I wanted to thank you for all your support both with my family and my education. My son and I are in a much better place. My life changed the day I called Sojourner Family Peace Center. Thank you for believing in me.”

Building on that momentum, Deja then went on to pursue graduate school. She’s continued working with our Hope & Healing team throughout her master’s program and is set to graduate this spring.

In total, Sojourner’s Hope & Healing team has helped Deja secure over $26,000 in scholarship awards! Congratulations, to Deja and all of our clients who work so hard to meet their goals – and thank you to our Hope & Healing team for helping survivors’ dreams become reality.

*Name changed for safety and confidentiality.
