Survivor spotlight: Marne

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Marne arrived at Sojourner’s emergency shelter Dec. 28, just three days after Christmas. She came to Sojourner pregnant and with three small children, seeking shelter from her husband’s physical and emotional abuse.

She tried calling Sojourner’s 24-hour hotline several times, but each call was cut short by her abusive husband who monitored her phone use. After he burned her with boiling water, Marne took her kids and fled to Sojourner, leaving everything behind.

During her stay, Marne set the following goals: Find safe, affordable housing, a steady job and improve her English-speaking skills. She began working with Advocates in Sojourner’s Hope and Healing Program to achieve her goals.

With hard work and determination, as well as support from Sojourner, Marne has a new apartment and was accepted into a culinary arts program. She continues to stay in touch with Sojourner staff for ongoing support and encouragement.

“I will eternally be grateful to God and Sojourner,” says Marne.

Marne is a survivor and a thriver. She left behind everything to seek help and to begin her journey to a life free of violence, self-sufficiency and independence.

Sojournersurvivor spotlight