Survivor spotlight: Mia

Mia’s first call to Sojourner’s 24-hour hotline shelter was in May of 2019. The police department referred her to the agency following a domestic violence incident. She discussed her situation with and Advocate and decided it was safest for her to stay at a shelter in Waukesha, far from her abusive partner.

A few months later, Mia called Sojourner’s hotline for additional help ending her abusive relationship. Her situation was complicated. She had a serious medical condition which caused additional stress and added to her worry.

At Sojourner, Mia found more than shelter. She also had easy access to a variety of resources to address her physical and mental well-being.

She set the following goals:

1) Maintain steady employment.

2) Save money.

3) Deal with her medical issues.

Mia worked hard to meet her goals, but kept putting her health on the back burner. With help from a partner agency located at Sojourner’s facility, Mia was able to schedule and keep appointments with her doctor.

After several weeks, Mia received great news: Her medical issue improved significantly. Learning this uplifting news made Mia even more motivated to achieve her goals.

Mia met regularly with her case manager and health care professionals. She also attended support groups and took advantage of relaxation services offered by a partner agency.

Four months after her initial call to Sojourner, Mia found a new home. Sojourner provided financial help and assistance for furniture and household necessities.

Thanks to Mia’s courage and determination, along with help from Sojourner and partner agencies, Mia accomplished all of her goals and receives on-going support to maintain her health, emotional well-being and independence.

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