Survivor spotlight: Nina
This Memorial Day, as we honor those who died serving our country, we would also like to share with you a story that features the courage and strength of a survivor who also is a U.S. veteran.
In late 2020, Nina,* a veteran of the U.S. military, lost her job due to the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving her in a vulnerable position. Facing eviction, she moved in with an acquaintance.
After a little while, her roommate became verbally abusive and eventually physically violent. Nina knew she had to protect herself and leave the situation, but she had nowhere to go.
Nina made the difficult decision to leave. For the next 2 months, she lived on the streets and in motels when she could scrape together the funds. Eventually, Nina called Sojourner for help and was admitted into our emergency shelter where she received counseling and support services.
Nina found a job working at a food pantry for minimum wage. She was happy to be earning an income again, but the job didn’t pay enough for her to support herself. While living in Sojourner’s emergency shelter, Nina found a new, better-paying job, working remotely. Nina worked at her new job from her room in the shelter, rent-free, which helped her rebuild her savings.
Nina’s case manager helped her get connected with Veteran Services and apply for a temporary housing subsidy. Once approved, Nina found a safe and affordable place to live. Her case manager provided her with some essentials to help her get started in her new home and Nina moved out on her own.
Nina says she loves her new apartment and plans to use some of the money she saved while staying in shelter on a car. She expressed her gratitude for the assistance and support she received from Sojourner.
*Name changed for confidentiality and safety