Mosaic tile artwork provides healing and creative expression for shelter families

Families residing in our emergency shelter are currently working on another beautiful mosaic tile piece in Sojourner’s Healing Arts program. The piece depicts two girls hugging, surrounded by messages of hope and symbols of light and transformation.

The families, in collaboration with Artists Working in Education (AWE), began the piece in February 2020, but it was put on hold due to the pandemic until April 2021, when our first on-site program resumed. When it’s completed, along with another panel of the same size, the mosaic will be installed outside the door of Children’s Program area within the Family Peace Center.

Sojourner has partnered with AWE and their artist-in-residence program where local artists create large-scale works of art with Milwaukee youth since 2018. Previous mosaic tile projects include Hope Rises and the Hope Grows Here installation in the stairwell just west of the reception desk. This work is made possible thanks to a grant from the MPS Partnership for the Arts & Humanities.

In addition to the AWE partnership, shelter residents have been participating in small group arts classes and individual projects, ranging from acrylic painting to weaving and sculpture. Adult residents are provided materials for independent projects, as well as given the opportunity to request and even lead lessons utilizing a wide variety of media. Tie-dye and clay sculpture have been extremely popular for residents of all ages, as well as a resident-led class making paper butterfly wind-chains. Another resident is currently planning a group that will make dream catchers and discuss colors and symbolism in Native American culture.

Many participants have expressed feeling a great sense of relief and comfort while working on their pieces. Several recent residents have even taken their original artwork and plants that they potted with them as they move on to their new homes.

healing artSojourner