Lullaby Project 2021

Bradley Symphony Center

Bradley Symphony Center

Since 2018, Sojourner and the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra have collaborated to help domestic violence survivors make beautiful music through the Lullaby Project.

The collaboration is one of 30 worldwide, through Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute, where musicians and artists work with pregnant women, parents, and grandparents to write, arrange and record original music for their children. The program supports maternal health, aids child development, and strengthens family bonds.

This year’s Lullaby Project recently concluded with a listening party at the Bradley Symphony Center. Program participants, MSO musicians and production personnel and Sojourner staff gathered to hear the finished recordings and to celebrate the conclusion of another incredible, impactful collaboration.

We are grateful to the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra and to everyone involved with the project.

Lullaby Project 2021 recordings
Lullaby Project 2021 photo gallery

Visit the MSO website for a history of the Lullaby Project here in Milwaukee. Learn about the national Lullaby Project program on the Carnegie Hall website.

Music and images shared with permission.
