You're invited: Community Papermaking Workshop, June 27

This unique papermaking activity illustrates how pain can be transformed into purpose through the arts.

This unique papermaking activity illustrates how pain can be transformed into purpose through the arts.

Join us for a free papermaking workshop as part of Black Box Fund’s Out of the Box Series this Sunday, June 27.

This family-friendly event illustrates how making art can promote healing, relieve stress and is an important form of self-care.

Papermaking Workshop hosted by Sojourner as part of Black Box Fund’s Out of the Box Series

Sunday, June 27, 2021, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Lakeshore State Park
500 N. Harbor Drive
Milwaukee, WI 53202

Participants may confidentially write about a difficulty or challenge, then shred and blend the paper into pulp, and pour it onto large screens to make a giant, colorful sheet of recycled paper. Participants are encouraged to take home some of the paper to use for something uplifting, positive or helpful. Some of the paper will be used to form a large-scale art installation of recycled paper.

The workshop takes place on Sunday, which is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Day. An estimated 51-75% of intimate partner violence survivors experience PTSD.*

The papermaking project helps participants release negative experiences and emotions, offer words of encouragement and support for others, take control of their story, while also creating something positive and beautiful.

This event is free, family-friendly and open to the public. RSVP not required. Representatives from Sojourner will be on hand to facilitate the workshop and answer questions.

See Black Box Fund’s event schedule for more information about the Out of the Box event.

*Source: U.S. Library of Medicine National Institute on Health
