Survivor collage project aims to spread awareness, hope
Survivors often share feelings of isolation and loneliness when living with abuse.
Members of VOICES — a network of survivors who use their voices to share stories of hope, healing, courage and strength — recently created collages through Sojourner’s Healing Arts Program to share messages of hope, resilience and courage and to let domestic violence survivors know they are not alone.
The collection below includes the inspiration behind each collage in the artist’s own words.
VOICES collage project

Sitting With Courage
“Sometimes your courage will ignite the courage in another. Sometimes all the courage another needs is to witness yours. Know that you are stronger than you think to face it all, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. Courage begins with showing up and letting ourselves be seen, but if we’re not ready to be seen, just show up. Courage is never comfortable, but it’s necessary to move forward towards the life you desire.”

How Can You Make a Difference?
“By living your life, you can show by example. Show people that this is my new normal. I'm a strong, independent and determined woman. It takes resilience, faith and hope. I have reclaimed my power. I'm charging ahead, nothing to hide. I'm sharing my story to help educate the public and help other victims become survivors. I'm a warrior and I'm living my life to the fullest!”

Everyone's Journey is Different, Know That I Will Be With You Every Step of the Way
“This was also something that I reminded myself of … that everyone's journey is different. Some people feel like they are ready to move on after a month, for me it was quite awhile. It really helped and continues to help me to have a solid support system … Sojourner, family and friends who have shown that they truly are there for me when I need them.”

My Escape
“Self-care is a must to be the best you to take care of your family. It's like on a plane, they tell you to mask yourself first in order to be able to mask your loved ones. Self-care includes doing massage, acupuncture, yoga and exercise. It includes spending time with family and spending time with yourself. Make some herbal tea and relax or take a nice, relaxing bath. Just relax and escape reality, even if it’s just for a few moments.”

But I Never Got a Black Eye
“That's how I thought about when I was told I was coming out of a domestic violence situation. It can't be. It wasn't that bad. I never got a black eye. Abuse comes in many forms and isn't always physical. Mine got physical, but in my mind, it still wasn't domestic violence. But, I've come a long way from that woman. I’m not a victim anymore. I've become a SURVIVOR and THRIVER! It takes courage, strength, bravery and hope to get to the other side of being a victim. If I can do it anyone can! There is HOPE!”

You Are Loved
“This was something I had to remind myself of frequently because of things he said to me and due to him not wanting to get help. There were times I felt like I wasn't loved. Of course, I knew my family and friends loved me, but it was just hard for the first few months after thinking that I wasn't loved by him. Also, the love that my daughter, my family and friends had for me really pushed me through some of the darkest days. My daughter actually had a say in making this collage. I had her look through the magazines and find things that reminded her of love. She said flowers, so we found all different flower pictures and cut them into hearts.”
All artwork shared with permission.